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Development of an Algorithm to Identify Sjögren’s Syndrome Patients in the French National [...]

Devauchelle Pensec, V., Chiche, L., Zhuo, J., Lavrard, I., Desjeux, G., Seror, R. (November 2019)

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Background/Purpose: Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease, consisting of primary SS (pSS) when it presents alone and secondary or associated SS when accompanied by other connective tissue diseases. Prevalence of primary SS ranges between 10 and 90 cases per 100,000 people in Europe. However, there is a lack of efficient algorithm that can be used in claim-based database to identify SS patients. Our objective was to establish an algorithm that can be used to identify SS patients by using a sub-sample of the French healthcare database claim.


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