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Development and Validation of a Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes-Specific Patient-Reported Experience[...]

Coline Hehn, Amine Ounajim, Guy Fagherazzi, Antonia Gasch-Illescas, Guillaume Montagu, Catherine Rumeau-Pichon, Jean-Arnaud Elissalde, Ben Braithwaite, Hervé Servy, Charles Thivolet, Jean-François Thébaut, Nicolas Naïditch. Research Article in Diabetes Epidemiology and Management (November 2023)

Introduction : Successful diabetes management is associated with an effective partnership between People with Diabetes (PwD) and healthcare professionals. Though possible to measure using Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs), none are specific to Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes (T1D/T2D) and validated in French. Thus, we developed and validated the DREMS (Diabetes Reported Experience MeasureS) e-questionnaire.

Methodology : DREMS is comprised of 18 items evaluating 5 different factors. Validation for use by PwT1D and PwT2D (recruited online) was performed using: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA); Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Cronbach's Alpha. Test-retest reliability was evaluated through Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) in a subsample.

Results : DREMS was tested by 2,513 respondents, including 942 PwT1D and 1,571 PwT2D. For both groups, EFA results indicated 18 items loaded substantially onto 5 clear factors. CFA showed all coefficients were significant in their respective factors. Goodness-of-fit, assessed using the Comparative Fit Index was >0.90 and by the RMSEA was <0.080. Cronbach's α for the entire DREMS e-questionnaire was ≥0.90. ICC was 0.87 for PwT1D (n=136) and 0.74 for PwT2D (n=169).

Innovation : DREMS is the first validated French-language diabetes-specific PREM for both PwT1D and PwT2D and can be useful to evaluate and improve health care management and patient health.

(Publication) Hehn, Coline, Amine Ounajim, Guy Fagherazzi, Antonia Gasch-Illescas, Guillaume Montagu, Catherine Rumeau-Pichon, Jean-Arnaud Elissalde, et al. 2023. “Development and Validation of a Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes-Specific Patient-Reported Experience Measure e-Questionnaire: Diabetes Reported Experience MeasureS (DREMS).” Diabetes Epidemiology and Management, November, 100189.


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